![]() This is the second time that Bethlehem plague these pages. Back in '94, when their first interview on Dark Oath was released, the release of their debut CD, "Dark Metal", was imminent. Nowadays, it's been about a year since the release of their second full-length album, "Dictius Te Necare", which comes to strengthen their reputation as one of Germany's most interesting and original bands in the Metal scene. Bass-player and lyricist Barstch was again interrogated to tell us about the band's latest offer... (A small excerpt from the interview featured in full on Dark Oath #6) There were some problems with the pressing of "Dictius..." on the U.S., as apparently the pressing plants refused to print the booklet! Did this have anything to do with the lyrics or was it because of that photo of you shooting something up your veins and Landfermann's photo by a bloody corpse on the promo-flyers which have been altered for the booklet? Ja, exactly because of that. It wasn't allowed to print the original photographs and therefore, it came to censorship. You've also had some trouble with German police and censorship some time ago. What's that about and are things solved already? It all started with the release of our first demo in Sept. 1992 when Matton gave one of the 250 copies to a fan of our band who was 14 vears old. So after a while his parents (mainly his mother) started calling me at home to tell me that their son had changed/alterered. They told me that because of the demo he had built a kind of 'Satanic altar' in his room, that he got aggressive/vicious and stuff. 'Their son had become a different person and this should be our fault'... Ja, they (in cooperation with other parents of other damn kids) 'promised' to 'fight' against our band and the aim should be to ban our music and stuff. Hell, they called us every day and every night and first we tried to explain that Bethlehem wasn't a 'Satanic', or whatever, band but damn, they kept on with these really stupid things. Therefore, we asked our lawyer how to react to such things and he advised us to threaten them with a charge for difamation. That's what we did and after really stupid months of stupid telephone calls it all stopped immediately. But it went on when we released the first full album known as "Dark Metal". Folks wanted us to play different gigs in different German cities but censorship come and banned us when the 'authorities' (mainly the police) found out that our band was gonna be doing these gigs, e.g. in the city where our drummer lives all Bethlehem CDs were confiscated and Steinhoff and myself were brought in by organisators of two gigs to answer several 'questions'. This was kind of an 'inquisition' which took one and a half hour and after this they threatened to give CDs, band information and so on to the local public prosecutor's office. All further gigs in our area and also in different German cities were forbidden and so on and so on, blablabla. Adipocere reacted and censored the lyrics to '3rd Nocturnal Prayer' by not printing them in the booklet because of some words such as 'Satan', 'Lucifer' and stuff. It went on like this, e.g. the German police asked me lotsa questions about this and that, gig arrangers didn't allow us to play here and there and last but hopefully least the police came to my house and confiscated different rough designs for the second full CD for Red Stream. I was charged of spreading 'violent messages' on CDs, videos and letters and my lawyers are still working against that charge. Patrick of Red Stream told me that in the USA there would be no chance to print the photographs we wanted for the booklet and stuff but this is typical. Since our start as a band we have had lotsa stupid troubles (and still do) because of our music and art, e.g. during these stupid questionings by the police they told me that lotsa parents of fans charged us for being a sort of 'Satanic sect' and other useless bullshit. We're not sure why the adults hate us like this and for nearly five years they have been trying to stop us. We never understood why we should be so 'dangerous' for the 'pubhc', we really don't! But hell, we will go on with our work and there will definitely be a 3rd, 4th and 5th CD! There will be further gigs too for no one really can stop us with our personal view of art and music!! There are a lot more stories of ignorant and foolish bullshit but I can't tell 'em all and really don't wanna bore the readers with so much crap and inability! 'This album is dedicated to all suicide victims'. In what way do you relate to suicide and especially, what's the concept behind "Dictius Te Necare" that ties the album to suicide victims?! ![]() Some say that suicide is a cowardly way of avoiding your problems although it also that takes guts to do it, what do you think about it? About suicide as a way to avoid problems: I don't think so because it's never done just because of having fun by killin' oneself, right? Maybe some folks have fun by committin' suicide but all the folks we personally knew didn't. Some of 'em had been victims of themselves... Others had been victims of their parents, of drug-dealers as they fell in disgrace because of owing them a lot of money, of people who threatened their life, of this and that. For a better understanding, I wanna give you an example. The guy who killed himself with heroin made some extra money by selling different drugs. Unfortunately, he wasn't the right person for such a job because he was too good-natured and gave away stuff to some friends & dudes for free. I always told him not to do it for I knew these dealers and their 'reaction' when they're not getting paid. After a while he got so many debts that it was impossible to pay 'em all back. Because of bein' too good-natured and because of being the absolutely wrong person for such a job, he fell into total depression more and more and started hiding here and there. He was never into H and therefore, in a way it was our fault when he came with all that stuff to have a good time but on the other hand, I think he wanted to die among friends and definitely not alone. He was a victim of these people who basically, don't really give a fuckin' damn about folks and their problems. Okay, this surely is an extreme example but it's just meant to give you a description of what we mean by 'suicide victims'. There are lotsa examples of folks who couldn't take the pressure which was exercised by the so-called society in general. Some do, others don't & those folks I personally call victims and then it's no longer a conscious decision, they're just pulling the trigger of society's gun. Landfermann told me something about you doing a song for a movie soundtrack. What's that about and how did it came up? Spider, a girlfriend from New York City (Brooklyn) came along with that idea because she's into these movie-things. Of course we agreed and it worked out brilliant. 'Schuld uns'res knöch'rigen Faltpferd's' was exclusively produced for New Line Productions, Inc. as well as London Records/Phonogram and it will be used in the motion picture titled 'Gummo'. America's new underground shooting star Chloe Seviguy, known from the pictures 'Kids' and 'Trees Longe' takes the part of a New York chick, who shall bring a bunch of cat-killing Metal-freaks to sense. The movie script was written by Harmony Korine ('Kids') again. Picture and video will be seen worldwide. The reaction on 'Schuld uns'res knöch'rigen Faltpferd's', in behalf of Harmony Corine (Film Director) & Randy Poster (Music Supervisor), succeeded extremely well and therefore, New Line Productions, Inc. also bought 'Verschleierte Irreligiosität' from "Dictius Te Necare". Both songs will be used for the motion picture and will be released on the soundtack (CD/LP/MC) by London Records/Phonogram.
Bethlehem "Dictius Te Necare" CD 1996, Red Stream 7 songs, 44' ![]() |